Toy or Mini Aussies are highly trainable dogs, very versatile dogs, great companions, and have the temperament that makes them the perfect family dog. These beautiful creatures are intelligent and energetic dogs. Occasionally you will find some Toy or Mini Aussies who are more laid back, and quite content to just cuddle with you. But even they like and need, to have some run and playtime. |
Sizes of Toy, Mini and Micro or Teacup Aussies
Measurements are taken from the top of the shoulder to the floor: |
Mni Aussies:14 inches to 18 inches Toy Aussies: 10 inches up to 14 inches Micro or Teacup Aussies: up to 10 inches |
Note: Micro's are often referred to as Tiny Toys or Teacup Aussies. We do not breed for this size but may get one occasionally due to a small pup in a litter. |
Breed Standard of The Minature and Toy Australian Shepherd |
The Miniature Australian Shepherd should be judged as if it were an Australian Shepherd in all respects other than size. Pay particular attention to disqualifications peculiar to the Miniature. HEIGHT: Preferred height for males and females at the withers is 18 inches and under; dogs with heights above 18 inches should be faulted to the degree of variance; quality, however, is not to be sacrificed in favor of size. GROUP: Herding WEIGHT: In proportion to height COAT: Straight to slightly wavy of medium texture and length, weather-resistant, with undercoat varying in thickness with variation in climate; hair on head, ears, front of forelegs, and below the hocks is short and smooth; moderately feathered on back of forelegs and britches; moderate mane and frill, more pronounced in males than females. Serious fault: Non-typical coat. COLOR: Blue merle, red merle, solid black, red (liver), all with or without white and or tan (copper) markings: on all colors, areas surrounding ears and eyes dominated by color other than white; white is acceptable on neck (either in part or as a full collar) chest, legs, muzzle, underparts, blaze on head and white extension from under-part up to four inches, measuring from a horizontal line at the elbow; white on head should not be predominate, eyes must be fully surrounded by color and pigment; hairline of white-collar should not exceed the point of the withers. The blue merle and blacks have black pigmentation on the nose, lips, and eye rims; red merle and red do not; red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation of the nose and lips; butterfly nose is not faulted under one year of age; small pink spots are permissible on merles' noses, but should not exceed 25% of the nose on dogs over one year of age. Disqualifications: Other than recognized colors; white body splashes, Dudley nose. |
Breed Standard:
- Head: Top skull flat to slightly rounded, length and width each equal to the length of the muzzle; moderate but well-defined stop.
- Eyes: Clear, almond-shaped, and of moderate size, set slightly obliquely, neither prominent nor sunken with dark, well-defined, perfectly positioned pupils; brown, blue, amber, or any variation or combination including flecks and marbling of eyes accepted; eyes must be expressive, showing attentiveness and intelligence.
- Ears: Set high on the side of the head, of moderate size, triangular with a slightly rounded tip, and leather; at full attention, break forward and over from one-quarter (1/4) to one-half (1/2) above the base, or the side as a rose ear. Serious faults: Prick ears and hound-type ears.
- Muzzle: Balanced and proportioned to rest of head; tapers slightly to rounded tip; see lip color under color, above.
- Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat; see nose color under Colors, above.
- Teeth and Bite: Full complement of white teeth meeting as scissors or level bite: teeth broken or missing by accident are not penalized. Disqualifications: Undershot; overshot greater than 1/8 inch.
- Neck: Strong, firm, clean, and in proportion to the body; moderate length; slightly arched at the crest, setting well into the shoulders.
- Top line: Appears level at a natural four-square stance.
- Chest: Deep and strong, well-sprung ribs.
- Body: Firm and muscular; strong and broad loin when viewed from the top; bottom line carried well back with a moderate tuck-up; moderately sloping croup, the ideal being thirty (30) degrees from the horizontal.
- Forequarters: Shoulder blades are long, flat, fairly close set at the withers, and well laid back; upper arms are relatively the same length as the shoulder blade, and attach at an approximate right angle to the shoulder line with forelegs droppings straight, perpendicular to the ground; straight and strong legs with strong oval shape rather than round bone: medium length and very slightly sloped pastern; dewclaws should be removed, but are not penalized.
- Hindquarters: Width of hindquarters approximately equal to width of forequarters at the shoulders; angulation of the pelvis and upper thigh (femur) corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder blade and upper arm forming an approximate right angle; clearly defined stifles, moderately bent hock joints; metatarsi (pasterns) are short, perpendicular to the ground, and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear; dewclaws must be removed.
- Feet: All feet are oval-shaped and compact, with well-arched toes and thick, resilient pads.
- Tail: Straight, not to exceed 4 inches in length; natural bobtail or docked.
- Movement: Smooth, free, and easy; swift and very agile, with well-balanced, flowing gait with ground covering stride; fore and hind legs move straight and parallel with the centerline of the body; as speed increases, the feet, both front and rear, converge toward the centerline of gravity of the dog, while the topline remains firm and level.
Temperament: Attentive and animated; good-natured, but maybe somewhat reserved in initial meetings; high-spirited, aggressive and authoritative worker, but not vicious toward people or animals; reserved with strangers but not shy. |
- Viciousness or extreme shyness.
- Toy-like characteristics (domed head, bulging eyes, fine bone).
- Undershot bite greater than 1/8 inch.
- Colors other than those recognized above in Colors.
- White body splashes, which means white on the body between withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of hindquarters in all colors.
- Wet flews (pendulous lateral part of the upper lip).
If you would like more information about our Toy or Mini Aussies please visit the Breed Information pages at [] |